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Układ wydechowy jest elementem, który łatwego życia nie ma. Jego praca odbywa się w bardzo wysokich temperaturach, ma bezpośredni kontakt z niesprzyjającymi warunkami atmosferycznymi. Niestety stosunkowo często dochodzi do jego usterek, które w wielu przypadkach skutkują unieruchomieniem pojazdu.

The most common defects in the exhaust system

The exhaust system is an element that does not have an easy life. His work takes place at very high temperatures, he has direct contact with unfavorable weather conditions. Unfortunately, its failures are relatively frequent, which in many cases result in immobilization of the vehicle.


Most of the exhaust system is made of steel, which along with the passage of time and the number of kilometers traveled begins to rust. Initially, these are small rust deposits, which over time increase significantly, and what’s worse lead to the creation of holes, and in extreme cases, to divide the exhaust system into two parts. The first symptom of a damage to the exhaust system is the change of sound that reaches us while driving, especially when the engine reaches higher revolutions. If you notice such a symptom, there is nothing else but how to go to the mechanic quickly. In the initial phase of the rusting of the system, we can solve the problem quickly and relatively effectively. The best solution will be to cut out the rusting element and weld a new one. Only such a procedure will guarantee the best effect. Unfortunately, sometimes the rusting is so big that we have to replace the whole part of the exhaust system.


Currently, the most common exhaust system fault is the clogging of diesel particulate filters, ie DFP / FAP. Its clogging occurs in most cases when the car is in poor technical condition or is used only on short routes. In this case, try to service the diesel particulate filter. Unfortunately, this treatment does not always bring the desired effect. In this case, we either need to regenerate the diesel particulate filter or replace it with a new one. Both the first and second way to restore the efficiency of the entire exhaust system is not the cheapest.


The exhaust manifold, despite the solid material from which it was made (usually cast iron), is not eternal and also breaks down. The most common failure is a crack, which is caused by a continuous change in temperature – the collector heats up to high temperatures in a very short time and then cools down. The exhaust manifold operating temperature can reach up to 800 degrees Celsius. The characteristic characteristic of a damaged exhaust manifold is the characteristic engine sound reminiscent of “whistling” and uneven operation of the drive unit. What’s more, in the event of an exhaust manifold failure, the engine immediately loses its full power. The second element of the exhaust system, which does not belong to eternal elements, is the catalyst. The task of the catalytic converter is to reduce the amount of harmful compounds in the vehicle’s exhaust. The most common cause of its failure is its clogging, which leads to obstruction. Another cause of the failure is the case when the vehicle ignition system is malfunctioning and the fuel instead of burning in the cylinder burns in the catalytic converter. As in the case of an exhaust manifold failure, the symptom of a damaged catalytic converter is a significant decrease in power and a characteristic sound.
Do not forget about the failures of the lambda probe, which is responsible for the measurement of exhaust gases, and based on the results of its work, a fuel-air mixture is selected. In modern cars, two lambda sensors are mounted. A characteristic symptom of its failure is a significant increase in fuel consumption and a signaled error after connecting the car to the diagnostic computer.

The exhaust system is one of the most important in the vehicle. It is thanks to his work that the combustion gases generated during the combustion process escape into the atmosphere.