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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak


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Ds Auto sp. z o.o.

Wholesale purchase of catalytic converters, diesel particulate filters (DPFs) and pricing.

ul. Tuwima 21
32-540 Trzebinia

NIP: 628-224-31-87

At the head office we run:

1. Wholesale store. Min. quantity within a single delivery: 200 pieces – Contact person: Darek +48604611917
2. Free of charge pricing. Min. quantity within a single delivery: 200 pieces (pricing time: approx. 30 min.). The price is determined using the latest electronic price list with the stock market prices as of the day of pricing.
3. All the supplies are arranged to be delivered to the headquarters on a specific date and time. If you run a business or are a natural person and want to offer less catalytic converters or DPFs (e.g. 1, 2 or 5 pieces) the pricing can be done in your voivodeship.
Below are the voivodeships and contact data of a company which will determine the price of your converter or DPF.

International contact:

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