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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Handel katalizatorami, a więc także prowadzenie skupu, wymaga odpowiednich zezwoleń. Działanie w sposób nielegalny, bez dokumentacji, jest surowo karane. Warto o tym pamiętać zarówno wtedy, gdy chce się otworzyć firmę, która będzie się tym zajmowała, jak i wtedy, gdy planujemy sprzedaż swojego katalizatora.

Mandatory permits in the catalyst industry

Trade in catalysts, and thus purchasing, requires appropriate permits. Acting in an illegal way, without documentation, is severely punished. It is worth remembering both when you want to open a company that will deal with it, and when you plan to sell your catalyst.


The first thing that is required to register the activity is to obtain a registration number from the Chief Environmental Protection Inspectorate regarding the collection and treatment of waste. This number is obtained after submitting relevant documents in the department of environmental protection in the place where you want to do business. Without the registration number, you can not open the catalyst purchase.


The next necessary documents are permits for waste treatment, including, most importantly, permit code 160801, i.e. evidence of the possibility of buying used catalysts containing gold, silver, rhenium, rhodium, palladium, iridium or platinum. Such a document is issued by the staroste most often – or the president, if the case concerns a city with poviat rights. To obtain a permit, please report to the relevant city authority in which the purchase of catalysts will be opened.


If you plan to store catalysts, and not only to process them, you will also need to obtain a permit to collect waste. Then, you should also prepare an appropriate space to which you will have the right – for example, a lease or ownership deed. This permit, like the others, is issued by the staroste or the president of the city. Importantly, in the case of buyers who accept catalysts and keep them only until they are processed, such a document is not necessary.


Another permit, which may be very useful, will be the permission to transport catalysts. Not every purchase needs it – if you plan only to receive goods from customers at one point (stationary), this document is not required. If, on the other hand, it is assumed to take away catalysts and transport them to your purchase, you must also apply for this type of permit. They are also obtained from the staroste or president of the city.


If the purchase we want to cooperate with has all of the above-mentioned documents, it is known that it is a company operating in a fair and honest way. When we want to open this type of activity ourselves, let us remember – the basis will be obtaining all necessary permits. Their lack may result in very large fines.