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Światowa organizacja Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) stworzyła stronę internetową w całości poświęconą Globalnemu Dniowi Recyklingu. Na portalu można znaleźć między innymi datę przedsięwzięcia – jest to 18 marca 2018 roku. Witryna prezentuje przede wszystkim cele tego dnia, skupiając się w pełni na temacie recyklingu.

Global Recycling Day – we know the date!

The worldwide organization Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) has created a website devoted entirely to the Global Recycling Day. On the portal you can find, inter alia, the date of the project – it is March 18, 2018. The site presents primarily the goals of the day, focusing fully on the subject of recycling.


The Global Recycling Day has one important task – to show people how important it is to apply the principles of recycling in everyday life. Remember that the basic resources on earth are water, air, oil, natural gas, coal and minerals. Some of them will be exhausted someday. We can make the proverbial brick in the form of recycling to take care of the planet.
According to the assurances of the president of Bureau of International Recycling, Ranjita Baxi, the activities on this day are aimed at promoting a global approach to the reprocessing of rubbish. The campaign is addressed both to global leaders, international companies and individuals who play an equally important role in global recycling.
In addition, strong emphasis is placed on international legislation and agreements, opening gates to the free trade in recycling materials, educating the public and supporting initiatives to cover the largest possible area with recycling activities. Unfortunately, the Global Recycling Day website will not be available in Polish.


The best thing about how important recycling is in our lives are numbers. According to statistics, the average person produces around 360 kilos of garbage of various kinds during the year. Imagine a situation in which all the generated waste goes to a landfill and are there for several dozen years. At what rate on the planet there will be no space for storage? Recycling, or segregation of rubbish, comes in handy. The meticulous sorting of waste contributes to the possibility of their immediate recycling and processing into raw materials that can be recycled. Recycling also applies to catalysts, the content of which is particularly valuable, making them desirable on the market.