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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Układ wydechowy nie należy do najbardziej skomplikowanych elementów w samochodzie, jednak trzeba o niego dbać tak samo, jak o pozostałe części. Nieprawidłowo działający układ wydechowy negatywnie wpływa na środowisko, powodując między innymi smog, który obecnie jest bardzo dużym problemem zwłaszcza w dużych miastach. Dodatkowo wszelkie usterki związane z tą częścią auta mogą także – podczas kontroli – być powodem zatrzymania dowodu rejestracyjnego pojazdu.

Impact of inefficient exhaust systems on the environment

The exhaust system is not one of the most complicated elements in the car, but you have to take care of it in the same way as for the other parts. Incorrectly functioning exhaust system has a negative impact on the environment, causing, among other things, smog, which is now a very big problem especially in big cities. In addition, any defects associated with this part of the car may also – during the inspection – be the reason for stopping the vehicle registration certificate.


The exhaust system is responsible for the proper exhaust gas evacuation, processing of exhaust fumes and noise reduction. Just as every element in the car can fail – usually it is manifested by a louder work and even smell of fumes felt in the vehicle. To avoid possible problems on the part of the exhaust system, you need to take care of it and remember about one simple rule: the longer we use a given car, the more often we should control the condition of the exhaust system.


Diesel particulate filters (DPF) installed in cars are designed to reduce excessive emissions – damaged cars or with a removed filter have a big impact on the environment, so in other countries, driving a car without a filter is punishable by a few thousand euros. In Poland, in the event of police control, the owner of a car that does not meet the standards can be taken and detained the registration document until the defect is removed. Such situations occurred, among others, during the “Smog” campaign.

The main point is that cars with inefficient exhaust systems contribute to the formation of smog, which is why vehicles with detected problems can not drive on roads. It is worth remembering the issue of air pollution – the most important causes of pollution include low emissions, for which according to the report of the Supreme Audit Office in large cities 60% of transport is responsible.


According to art. 66., para. 1, point 3 of the Act of 20 June 1997 – Road Traffic Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 128, as amended), the vehicle participating in the traffic is to be so constructed, equipped and maintained that using it did not cause the release of harmful substances to an extent exceeding the values specified in the detailed regulations.

In addition, the issue of the technical condition of vehicles is also described in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of December 31, 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2013, No. 32, item 951). It says, among other things, that § 9. 1. The vehicle should be so constructed, equipped and maintained that the content of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (CH) and the excess air ratio λ in the exhaust gas of the vehicle with spark-ignition engine (lambda) do not exceed the values given in the table constituting Annex No. 2 to the Regulation.

Among other things, on the basis of these legal acts, the police or other controlling authority has the right to retain documents of a vehicle that does not meet the abovementioned standards. To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is a good idea to regularly check the condition of the exhaust system and, if problems arise, repair it quickly.