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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Catalyst 1S71-5E212-LG / 125206 from Ford

Catalysts 1S71-5E212-LG/125206 was installed in a Ford Mondeo with 1.8 and 2.0 engine in 2000-2007. It’s a small catalyst. The length of the cover does not exceed 35 cm, and the width is 17 cm. The model consists of the main part, the widest in the circumference, and two symmetrically arranged outlets of the same width. The weight of the ceramic insert is 1.32 kg.

You can check the current price of the used part in the brand’s price list Ford.

Catalyst 1S71-5E212-LG / 125206 from Ford Mondeo

Ford Mondeo was featured, among others on the occasion of the article about model number 1077246E .

Ford Mondeo 2005


Ford Mondeo 2001