pallad – Katalizatory Chrzanów Thu, 05 Sep 2024 08:12:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to earn the most on a monolith? Fri, 12 Apr 2019 12:33:35 +0000 Bardzo często nasi Kontrahenci podczas dostawy monolitu zadają nam jedno ważne pytanie. W jaki sposób nam go dostarczyć? Cały materiał spakować razem? A może należy dokonać podziału ze względu na jego pochodzenie? Dziś postaramy się rozwiać Wasze wątpliwości i wyjaśnić, która z metod jest bardziej korzystna.

Artykuł How to earn the most on a monolith? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Very often our contractors ask us one important question during the delivery of the monolith. How can we provide it? The whole material pack together? Or maybe it should be divided because of its origin? Today, we will try to dispel your doubts and explain which method is more beneficial.

Quite often, we encounter a situation in which we accept delivery of a monolith from new contractors and it is separated due to where it was cut from. We get then: separately monolith from gasoline vehicles, separately from diesel engine and from DPF filters. When we ask where the idea comes from, it turns out that the clients cooperating with other buyers earlier, received instructions to divide and deliver the material in separate parts. That is why they got used to this method and the belief that this is the only right solution.

It turns out, however, that this is not the best and most profitable idea. We are in a hurry to explain.

Packing the entire monolith together is a much simpler and more economical solution. It is not only saving time, work, but also money.

If you provide us with a monolith in one batch, we make it one-time, mark it, weigh it, thoroughly ground and analyze. When the monolith is separated, the same operations are performed in several approaches, which makes the time of obtaining the final information unnecessarily longer. It is therefore associated with higher work expenses, and thus – higher costs. Consequently – you receive less money compared to the same material, included in one whole.

So where did the idea for separating the monolith come from?

This method is used by purchase stores that do not have adequate equipment to allow efficient analysis of such a diversified material. In order to determine the content of precious metals in a mixed monolith, it is necessary to use high-class devices, such as weight and moisture analyzer (a device allowing simultaneous determination of moisture content and sample weight), and above all professional spectrometers. Relevant are also suitable ball mills and homing devices which will lead the monolith to homogenised form. Here the rule is simple – the more finely ground monolith, the greater the precision of the measurement and the more you gain from the transaction.

Weight in the DS AUTO laboratory
Moisture analyzer that measures the moisture content of the material
Urządzenie do domielania monolitu
Monolith dressing device
Monolith dressing device


How much to bring to buying?

The delivery of a larger batch of monolith is definitely more profitable. The bigger, the more favorable you go out. Of course, as we have already mentioned, we start with a 100-pound monolith delivery at our headquarters. It is much more profitable, however, to “pick up” and deliver a batch weighing over 300 kg. With such a large amount we make so-called “Double check” or double check of the result. In addition to XRF analysis, we also carry out chemical analysis with the help of an advanced ICP MS device, which is considered more accurate. And at the same time we have confirmation of the result by obtaining it from two independent devices.

Spektrometr XRF marki Olympus
XRF spectrometer by Olympus
Spektrometr ICP MS
ICP MS spectrometer

And what about precious metal courses?

Many of our customers decide to bring us the minimum possible amount of monolith, because precious metal rates are beneficial at the moment. They do not want to wait with more delivery, for fear of a possible fall in quotations. However, we are able to provide companies with whom we cooperate with a sense of security and “set up” exchange rates on the day of valuation for a period of 30 days. Thanks to this, they can easily wait and appear in our company with a larger party, which is certainly more profitable.

How do you choose the best monolith purchase?

As you can see, paradoxically, not only the content of precious metals in the supplied monolith determines how much you will earn from selling it. It is also very important to choose the appropriate collection point, which is the point that:

  • it has new high-class equipment – it is worth paying attention to whether the purchase uses high-quality scales, moisture meters, ball mills, mixing devices, and spectrometers that have been authorized by the National Atomic Energy Agency;
  • has qualified and experienced staff, and there is no employee rotation in the company. Then you can be sure that the equipment supports non-random people who know the whole process perfectly;
  • explains in a clear and accessible way how the analysis and valuation process proceeds. Everything takes place in an open manner and the client has the right to be present at every stage;
  • gives a price guarantee – regardless of fluctuations in the quotations, you have the opportunity to “fix” the course for a period of 30 days;
  • performs the appraisal, preparing the monolith for analysis and the very analysis on the spot, without intermediaries – it also saves time and money;

DS AUTO guarantees all the above benefits and we can also offer our own transport. The one-time delivery is up to 24 tons.

How to sell a monolith?

Make an appointment and free monolith quote – over 100 kg

Tel. +48 604 611 917

In the case of a smaller amount, contact one of the retail stores.

Artykuł How to earn the most on a monolith? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Construction and types of catalysts: metal, ceramic and DPF filters Mon, 08 Apr 2019 11:24:19 +0000 Jak zbudowany jest katalizator i jak przebiega jego praca ? Jakie są rodzaje katalizatorów i ich zalety ? Jak rozpoznać rdzeń metalowy, ceramiczny, oraz filtr dpf ?

Artykuł Construction and types of catalysts: metal, ceramic and DPF filters pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Internal combustion engines are the main source of propulsion not only for cars, trucks or buses, but also for many types of machines. During their work, fuel is burned, and the side effect of this process is the release of many harmful compounds into the atmosphere.

Automotive concerns were aware that it was necessary to reduce their number. Initially, technical means were used for this purpose, whose operation was regulated by legal norms. One of the solutions used was the afterburning process. Thermal reactors have been located behind the outlet valves in which oxidation of hydrocarbons and carbon oxides took place.

In later years, the ecological awareness of people gradually increased. It began to be noticed that the solutions used were not sufficient. Therefore, catalysts have been introduced.

Catalysts have a very important function in the exhaust system. Their task is to clean car exhausts from toxic substances such as carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.

In order to be able to carry out this task, precious metals contained in them are necessary – platinum, palladium and rhodium. It is they who perform the correct catalytic function. Due to their presence, the chemical composition of the exhaust gases that escape from the combustion chamber differs from those that escape from the exhaust pipe.

How are they built?

Catalysts consist of the following layers:

Budowa katalizatora
Catalyst construction


A metal casing, which is the first, outer layer; mesh / lagging, whose task is to protect the monolith; and the ceramic monolith itself.

The cross-section of the catalyst can be illustrated on the example of the Fiat model.

Przekrój katalizatora na przykładzie modelu z Fiata
Catalyst cross-section on the example of the Fiat model
Wnętrze katalizatora
The interior of the catalyst


Operation of catalysts

Harmful combustion products are reacted by the oxygen present in the exhaust. This creates pure nitrogen, water vapor and carbon dioxide, which is less dangerous than its oxide. Oxidation depends to a large extent on the appropriate temperature. The time, which is available for natural oxidation, without any external support is extremely short. Not all toxins will burn.

That is why it is necessary to mount catalysts. Their role is to guarantee conditions that will increase the intensity of reactions neutralizing toxic substances.

There are two types of reactions resulting in the purification of exhaust gases: oxidation and reduction reactions. As a result of oxidation, hydrocarbons and oxides of carbon react with oxygen, thanks to which we get CO2 and water vapor. On reduction, nitrogen and carbon oxides enter a reaction that produces nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Types of catalysts

There are basically two main types of catalysts on the market – metal and ceramic catalysts. The latter are much more common.

The metal catalyst is made of extremely thin, metal tape, made of heat-resistant, chromium-nickel steel. Aluminum admixtures are also used in their production. The tape is covered with a corrugated ribbon containing a layer of precious metals. In the production of 1 catalyst, about 1.5 g of the alloy is used.

Katalizator metalowy
Metal catalyst
Wkład metalowy do katalizatora
Metal insert for the catalyst



+ faster temperature reaching appropriate for the cleaning process

+ high mechanical strength

+ resistance to large temperature changes

+ longer life of parts

+ lower flow resistance

Disadvantages :

– higher price

It is for this reason that these catalysts are assembled less often and usually in more expensive cars than catalysts with a ceramic insert.

Catalysts with a ceramic insert, in turn, are built of block ceramic core – so-called monolith. It has a structure resembling a honeycomb. This structure is formed by channels covered with noble elements.

Monolit ceramiczny w kawałkach
A ceramic monolith in pieces
Monolit ceramiczny w kawałkach
A ceramic monolith in pieces
Monolit ceramiczny w kawałku
A ceramic monolith in a piece
Pomiar zawartości metali szlachetnych w monolicie ceramicznym za pomocą spektrometru XRF firmy Olympus.
Measurement of precious metal content in a ceramic monolith using an Olympus XRF spectrometer.
Monolit ceramiczny w proszku
A ceramic monolith powder


It is worth emphasizing here that the purification requires not only gas combustion products, but also produced solid particles. A big problem with self-ignition engines is the soot particles that are dangerous to our health. In this case, you do not need chemical and mechanical filtration. Solid settle on porous fibers, thanks to which they can be “burned” in it.

Due to the way they work, they are susceptible to clogging, and thus require frequent regeneration or – if it is impossible – replacement.

Very often it is possible to find combined devices in which the particulate filter is mounted together with the catalyst. This allows simultaneous purification of gas fumes and solid contaminants.

Filtr cząstek stałych -DPF
Particle filter -DPF
Katalizator metalowy, ceramiczny i filtr DPF
Metal, ceramic and DPF catalyst


At DS AUTO we buy not only complete catalysts. We also accept the insert itself (metal or ceramic), and a monolith in any form – whole, in pieces or in powder.

Regardless of the character, thanks to the fact that we have experienced staff, professional machine park and our own laboratory, we are able to make a precise analysis of the precious metal content in the delivered material, properly priced and processed.

It is also our responsibility to properly prepare the monolith for testing. Weigh and describe, grind in ball mills and bring to a uniform, homogenized form and take a sample for testing.

Ważenie monolitu ceramicznego
Weighing a ceramic monolith
Monolit ceramiczny w proszku
A ceramic monolith powder

The test is carried out using spectrometers. In our everyday work, we use the ICP MS device and Olympus spectrometers.

Analiza metodą XRF z pomocą spektrometru marki Olympus.
XRF analysis with the Olympus spectrometer.


As you can see, in the case of purchase of the metal cartridge itself, ceramic monolith in pieces, powder or DPF filters, recognition and valuation require appropriate equipment as well as specialist knowledge and experience.

We invite you to use our services. How to sell a monolith?

Make an appointment and free monolith quote – over 100 kg

Tel. +48 604 611 917

For smaller quantities, we invite you to our partner retail purchases.


Artykuł Construction and types of catalysts: metal, ceramic and DPF filters pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Palladium quotation – what awaits us? Mon, 01 Apr 2019 12:42:09 +0000 Jak już wiecie, ceny metali szlachetnych ciągle się zmieniają. Ich wartość w danym momencie jest zależna od wielu różnych czynników. Wiecie również, że bacznie przyglądamy się zmianom w kursach, ponieważ swoje największe zastosowanie znajdują one w branży motoryzacyjnej - przy produkcji katalizatorów samochodowych. Co dzieje się ostatnimi czasy z notowaniami palladu ? co sprawiło, że najpierw osiągnął rekordowo wysokie ceny, a następnie uległ ogromnemu spadkowi ?

Artykuł Palladium quotation – what awaits us? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

As you already know, precious metal prices are constantly changing. Their value at a given moment depends on many different factors. You also know that we are closely monitoring the changes in courses, because they are the most important applications in the automotive industry – in the production of car catalysts. They perform their proper catalytic function and purify the exhaust gases from toxic substances.

Every week, together with Unimetal Recycling, we present you weekly analysis, summarizing what has happened on the precious metals market. This is extremely important for us and our contractors, because the current prices depend on the prices of over 7 800 models of used catalysts from our catalog.

The higher the rates on a given day, the higher the catalysts have. Hence our keen interest in global trends.

We have recently been able to inform you about the record results achieved by palladium. In recent weeks, this metal has achieved a very strong position on the precious metals market. Several times we wrote about historical courses – including the highest so far, amounting to 1 576.60 USD / ounce. This value, palladium, reached March 21 this year.

The price increase of this noble element was not a big surprise for anyone, considering that automotive concerns are rapidly withdrawing from further production of diesels (in which platinum is used). Palladium has become more expensive than gold and platinum, increasing its value by as much as 250% in the last 3 years. Everything through the dieselgate scandal, which we have often mentioned recently. In addition, the sales results of ecological hybrid and electric vehicles are not spectacular.

Companies will therefore bet on gasoline-powered cars. In these vehicles, palladium catalysts are assembled. It would seem, therefore, that the course will continue to grow. In the end, there is a lot of demand, so the matter seemed simple.

It turns out, however, that it is not entirely. Last week we had a huge drop in quotations. A decline that many did not expect. The last few sessions on the metal exchange, significantly cooled the euphoria and optimism of people who invest in palladium. Within a few days, the ozone was cheaper by as much as 11%, and on Wednesday only by as much as 6%, which is the highest one-day drop in almost 20 years.

There has been a certain deficit in palladium for many years. The market needs are big. However, demand may be reduced due to fears of an economic slowdown. It is also worth mentioning that Russia has announced to the world the decision to reduce the extraction of the element. The possible reason is the desire to extort even higher prices on other market players.

The predictions regarding the further fate of palladium are very diverse. As you can see, no scenario is predetermined. Our expectations are not always reflected in reality. It’s worth getting ready for the next good news from us regarding the next records, but at the same time we have to prepare for the next drastic drops, turbulence and unexpected twists and turns.

Current rates of precious metals can be found in the “Courses” tab.

The prices of used catalysts, in our price list.




Artykuł Palladium quotation – what awaits us? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Catalyst more expensive than the car Wed, 27 Mar 2019 09:41:13 +0000 Dziś życiowa i dość częsta sytuacja. Kupujecie auto w lepszym lub gorszym stanie. Przez lata korzystacie z niego pokonując tysiące kilometrów. W końcu pojawia się myśl, że ten zasłużony pojazd wypada wymienić na nowszy model. Czasem skłania nas do tego chęć posiadania lepszego, bardziej nowoczesnego i spełniającego nasze oczekiwania samochodu. Czasem naszą decyzję przyspieszają coraz częściej pojawiające się usterki mechaniczne, w których naprawę nie chcemy się wplątywać. Niezależnie od tego czy zdecydujemy się sprzedać samochód w niskiej cenie czy zezłomować, może zaskoczyć nas fakt, że katalizator pochodzący z niego, okaże się bardziej wartościowy niż samo auto. Dlaczego tak się dzieje ?

Artykuł Catalyst more expensive than the car pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Today life and quite a common situation. You buy a car in a better or worse condition. You have been using it for thousands of miles over the years. Finally, there is the idea that this well-deserved vehicle should be replaced with a newer model. Sometimes the desire to have a better, more modern and fulfilling our expectations prompts us. Sometimes our decision accelerates the more and more often appearing mechanical defects, in which we do not want to fix ourselves. Regardless of whether we decide to sell a car at a low price or scrape, it may surprise us that the catalyst derived from it will prove more valuable than the car itself. Why is this happening?

Diversity on the catalyst market

Cars depending on the make, model and even country for which they are designed differ in terms of the catalysts installed, and more precisely in terms of the amount of precious metals contained in them – platinum, palladium and rhodium. You have probably heard about the exhaust cleanliness standards. These are the regulations specifying the amount of exhaust gas released from the exhaust system. In different countries and for different periods of time, these rules were shaped in a different way. The more demanding the standard, the more precious metals were used in the production of catalysts. They are responsible for the purification of exhaust gases from toxic substances. So much for theory.

Where does the catalyst price come from?

In practice, even a used catalyst can be worth a lot. Prices range from a few dozen zlotys if a substitute is involved, up to 11 thousand zlotys for the most expensive catalytic converters from Mercedes. The price difference is of course dependent on the amount of precious metals. The more they are, the more valuable the catalyst is. There are also changes in exchange rates here.

As you know, the price of precious metals, in which many people invest, is variable. The process of determining their value is quite complicated. The price is influenced by various political, economic, and sometimes social factors. However, everything comes down to the demand for a given ore. The greater the demand for a given metal, the higher its price.

One of the situations that has recently had a significant impact on the precious metal prices and, consequently, the prices of used catalysts, is the Dieselgate scandal into which well-known automotive concerns were involved. In September 2015, what many of us had expected for a long time came to light. The results from the exhaust measurements were misrepresented. Special software was installed in the cars whose task was to manipulate the obtained results. People have become aware of the fact that cars burn more fuel and emit more harmful fumes than the producers claimed. Fraud took place all over the world. Since then, cars with a diesel engine have been assigned the greatest responsibility for the state of the air we breathe. In view of the changes adopted by the European Parliament, the concerns have therefore decided to stop producing diesel, in favor of gasoline, hybrid and electric cars. However, for the last two variants we are reluctant to decide. Despite their environmental performance, it turns out that they do not break the popularity records. This applies not only to Poland but also to other European countries. There are plenty of reasons – high purchase and operating costs, too slow development of infrastructure or various prejudices that can be read about on internet forums. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that theoretically ecological cars use electricity. To produce it and then send it over the net, it is necessary to burn non-organic fossil fuels.

The result is that the eyes of consumers turned towards cars with a well-known gasoline engine.

World trends and the price of the catalyst

It is worth knowing that for the catalysts used in petrol, palladium and rhodium are used in particular. In turn, platinum is used for diesels. As you might have guessed, the “automotive revolution” has strongly influenced the prices of the above metals, and so, for several months, we can see a gradual increase in the palladium and rhodium rate, and in the case of palladium, the price of an ounce has reached historical record high several times. we noted on March 21 and amounted to PLN 1 576.60 / ounce.


The results of changes in the quotations can be easily seen in our catalog. Palladium catalysts grow in strength and become more and more expensive. Prices can often exceed the value of the car.

An example is the catalyst GM16/90467875/3093 B1 from the Opel Corsa. Its value has recently increased strongly. Currently, the retail price is PLN 1727.80.

Where did its high price come from? From the elemental composition. The monolithic laboratory analysis carried out by us using the XRF method showed that 12 2890 ppm of this element was used for the production of this catalyst, that is 12,289 g of palladium per kilogram. Why we used so much palladium in the GM16 catalysts here.

What is important when selling catalysts?

You can legally sell the used catalyst at the point of purchase. As you can see, you can earn a lot on it and save on buying a new device. However, in order to get the most out of it and get the best possible price, it is necessary to choose the appropriate purchase. The best in which it takes place comprehensively: purchase, analysis and valuation and conversion of the catalyst. In this way, you avoid intermediaries. In addition, the price of the consumed part is calculated on the basis of the precious metal content in the model and their current rates. A purchasing company, in order to offer you the real price, must have its own laboratory. The laboratory, which is equipped with modern spectrometers to conduct the analysis and which create people with appropriate knowledge and experience. Without this, it is impossible to reliably determine the value of catalysts.

In DS AUTO, all of the stages listed above are held on-site. We buy from you catalysts, which we mark, weigh, recover a monolith and grind the material to obtain a uniform test. We analyze it and make a fair valuation. In addition, with wholesale quantities, we can offer our own means of transport, which will enable us to supply up to 24 tons of catalysts. We have our own laboratory with qualified staff. Why is it so important? Because it happens that the numbers of catalysts, after which we identify them are invisible, the catalyst sold is rare, or you sell us the monolith itself. Then, only chemical analysis allows to determine the value of the good. The whole process is open and legal.

We have all the permits and entries required for BDO (Registration number: 000037545)

Zawartość metali szlachetnych w katalizatorze GM16/90467875/3093/B1 - analiza XRF
The content of precious metals in the GM16/90467875/3093 /B1 catalyst – XRF analysis

Thanks to the CatCatalog application created by us, all our partner stores have a tool for conducting a professional quote. There are over 70 of our partner points across Poland, where you can sell individual items without any problem. However, if the nearest purchase is too far away and you do not want to move out of the garage, take advantage of the mail order purchase. Choose any courier company and send the used catalyst to one of them. Remember, however, to make an appointment with the selected purchase in advance.

In case you run a vehicle dismantling station or purchase catalysts, contact us and take a permanent cooperation that pays off. You get a quote tool, free advertising as a partner point and substantive help.

How do you check our catalyst prices? Take a look at the catalog.

Tel. +48604611917



Artykuł Catalyst more expensive than the car pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

The number of catalysts collected by companies in individual provinces – 2018 Thu, 14 Mar 2019 10:55:34 +0000 Dziś chcielibyśmy podsumować  rok 2018, jeśli chodzi o ilość zużytych katalizatorów, które zebrały firmy działające w poszczególnych województwach. Pod uwagę wzięte zostały nie tylko katalizatory z samochodów osobowych, ale i z ciężarówek, autobusów, motocykli czy maszyn. Ile zebrano ?

Artykuł The number of catalysts collected by companies in individual provinces – 2018 pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Today, we would like to summarize the year 2018 in terms of the amount of used catalysts that have collected companies operating in individual voivodships. Not only catalysts from passenger cars, but also from trucks, buses, motorcycles or machines were taken into account.

The following figure shows the annual sum of collected catalysts.

As you can see, the Małopolskie voivodship was ranked first with the DS Auto capital group, which includes the largest catalyst converter in Poland – Unimetal Recycling Sp. z o.o.

The amount we have collected is impressive and amounts to 384,000 catalysts code 16 08 01 and 16 08 03. The second place was taken by companies from the Wielkopolskie voivodship with the number of 46 thousand, followed by the Mazowieckie voivodship, in which the purchases recorded the value of 33,000. pieces.

Noteworthy is the Lubuskie Voivodeship, in which the number is less than 29 thousand used devices.

Where did we get the good result we achieved?

In spite of the less favorable location than in the case of voivodships with a larger number of inhabitants, such as Mazowieckie, Śląskie or Wielkopolskie, we found ourselves in the first place in the ranking.

Our position and the number of catalysts that we buy and recycle primarily results from the fact that as the only company dealing with it, we have such an extensive network of partner collection points throughout the country. These points deal with retail quantities, while we accept wholesale deliveries from the largest dismantling stations in Poland.

All points with which we have the pleasure to work are trustworthy stores that enjoy a good reputation among the sellers. We are aware of how much we can do together and how much this cooperation is building up for everyone. When we hear flattering opinions that thanks to us someone’s company has developed and is successful using our solutions, we know that all this makes a huge sense, and our persistent work is not in vain.

In addition, we use the best valuation tool – CatCatalog‘s largest online catalyst database, with over 7,700 models. Thanks to this tool, collection points that want to develop and operate professionally, can implement this plan. Without such support, they would have to equip themselves with expensive equipment to analyze the precious metal content and analyze all the models they want to adopt. We did this work for them.

What distinguishes us on the market is also our own laboratory. Thanks to it, our offer is complete and contractors avoid participation of agents in the whole process. We can therefore offer you the best possible prices. The analysis takes place on site, and in addition it is public, so anyone who would like to cooperate with us can observe how we work. We have no secrets for you.

The strength of the laboratory lies not only in the technology used – certified spectrometers that indicate the real content of precious metals in the material. Its reputation is primarily determined by the people who create it. They are the best qualified specialists with vast knowledge and practical experience. Having expensive and good equipment will not be a success in itself. It will definitely help, but it is not enough. The most important are people who have the right skills and knowledge to use it. The laboratory is equipped with certified stationary spectrometers such as ICP MS, which is undoubtedly the best position on the market at the moment, and portable spectrometers of the recommendable Olympus brand.

What we can offer as one of the few companies is the transport of waste. At one time it can be up to 24 tons. If you are planning such a large delivery, we encourage you to contact us. We have all the required permits, both for the needs of transport and for the collection or processing of waste with the codes 16 08 01 and 16 08 03. We can therefore cooperate in the purchase of all types of catalysts on the market.

It is also worth mentioning the modern hall, equipped with a reliable machine park, which consists of machines for cutting catalysts and monolith recovery and precise ball mills that grind the monolith, to obtain a granular material with appropriate granulation, which is transferred to the laboratory. Good equipment and experienced professionals are the best possible combination.

The last – possibly the most important – reason for our place in the ranking is the satisfaction of people with whom we work and whom we have never let down. It is thanks to the trust you give us that we have achieved so much.

Thank you to everyone for cooperation in 2018. We do everything to make this year equally fruitful.

Contact us to cooperate with us!

Tel. +48 604 611 917

Artykuł The number of catalysts collected by companies in individual provinces – 2018 pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! Tue, 05 Mar 2019 11:33:00 +0000 Wraz z Unimetal Recycling , największym recyklerem katalizatorów samochodowych w kraju, wypracowujemy sobie coraz silniejszą pozycję na rynku europejskim. Wszystko dzięki nieustannemu wychodzeniu naprzeciw potrzebom rynku. W związku z coraz większą ilością skupów z Europy zachodniej, które nawiązują z nami współpracę, postanowiliśmy udostępnić im kolejny środek transportu, który będzie odbierać największe dostawy katalizatorów.

Artykuł The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

As you know, we are constantly expanding our horizons. Development is what mobilizes us every day and drives us to act.

Together with Unimetal Recycling, the largest recycler of car catalysts in the country, we are gaining an ever stronger position on the European market. All thanks to constantly meeting the needs of the market.

One of the most important sentences that have been guiding us for years is that of Henry Ford, who believed that “Companies that grow thanks to development and improvements will not die, but when a company ceases to be creative when it thinks it has achieved perfection and now it only has to be to produce – after it.

All improvements are always developed for our contractors. This is also this time. We have heard many times that some companies are afraid of establishing cooperation with recipients of other countries due to the lack of their own transport, which they could provide with waste. In connection with the increasing number of purchases from Western Europe, which establish cooperation with us, we decided to provide them with another means of transport that will receive the largest supplies of catalysts.

Thanks to the transport that you offer, you are able to deliver to us a batch of catalysts weighing up to 24 tons!

We transport waste with codes 16 08 01 and 16 08 03. These are waste from group B 1130 according to the Basel Convention. Thanks to this lack of own transport does not constitute any barrier to fruitful cooperation.

We are extremely pleased with your trust and we know that we have fully earned it and built our position by providing services at the highest level. Our mission is to create the image of a Polish company all over the world, as a company with potential that is able to achieve every goal set with perseverance and a reliable approach to clients.

What Western European companies often use when choosing DS Auto and Unimetal for cooperation is their own laboratory. Laboratory in which only people with specialized chemical education work.

It is equipped with the best possible spectrometers for measuring the content of precious metals in catalysts. We use here valued in the ICP MS environment and Olympus brand devices. Using precise methods of measurement by people with appropriate knowledge and experience, gives our clients the certainty that they receive real results of measuring the content of platinum, palladium or rhodium in the delivered lot, and thus the amount they receive is fair.

Thanks to the fact that we have our own laboratory and machinery park, you avoid the participation of intermediaries in the whole cooperation. Our offer is comprehensive, and this makes us get the highest possible price for the goods.

How to establish permanent cooperation?

Contact us and delivery contracts – only wholesale quantities (over 100 items)

Phone number : +48 604 611 917


Artykuł The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Healthy business relationships in the practice of receiving catalysts Thu, 24 Jan 2019 10:11:43 +0000 Każda ze stacji demontażowej, po dokonaniu rozbiórki pojazdów, uzyskuje z nich zużyte katalizatory, za które bierze odpowiedzialność. Katalizatory te muszą zostać poddane recyklingowi, w wyniku którego odzyskane zostaną metale szlachetne. Dzięki naszej współpracy z Unimetal Recycling - największym recyklerem tej części samochodowej w Polsce, zarówno skup i przerób oraz analiza laboratoryjna odbywają się na miejscu. Jak już się pewnie domyślacie to oszczędność zarówno czasu jak i pieniędzy.

Artykuł Healthy business relationships in the practice of receiving catalysts pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

We often remember you about healthy business relations. Today’s day and delivery, which arrived at our headquarters in the morning, shows us in practice how important is the choice of a suitable company to cooperate with.

Each dismantling station, after demolition of vehicles, obtains used catalysts for which it takes responsibility. These catalysts must be recycled as a result of which precious metals will be recovered. Thanks to our cooperation with Unimetal Recycling – the largest recycler of this car part in Poland, both purchase and processing as well as laboratory analysis take place on site. As you probably already guessed, it saves both time and money.

Today in the morning we received a large part of catalysts from one of the major dismantling stations. The delivery weight is approximately 8,000 kg.

This delivery has already been agreed 10 days ago. The catalysts came to us properly marked with the help of stickers with numbers, which simplified the preparation of documentation.

Our role s in converting catalysts and analyzing the content ofnow lie noble elements in the supplied devices. They will be dismantled by means of hydraulic shears, then the monolith recovered from them will go to ball mills where the material will be thoroughly ground.

In the meantime, our Contractors receive an advance payment from us. On the other hand, the monolith goes to the laboratory in which we analyze using the ICP MS spectrometer. This indicates precisely the amount of platinum, palladium and rhodium. The final price is obtained on the basis of the results of the analysis, as well as the current metal prices on the global stock exchange (kitco). However, we anticipate that today the party will be worth around PLN 400,000 – PLN 600,000. You must wait a bit longer for the final quote as you can see.

Such quantities of Dodaj formularz used parts bring the best and largest dismantling stations. With such large supplies, they must choose the best recipients who will take care of their recycling and offer the best prices. The more catalysts, the more important is the selection of a proven purchase and recycler.

Why? Imagine that on each of the catalysts they would get even a few zlotys a smaller rate and multiply it by the amount of catalysts you see in the pictures below. The difference in the final amount would therefore be colossal.

That is why we meet every day with such dependence: the best are always looking for the best.

That is why our contractors paid off to come to us. Because they are aware that only in such a large and developed company that not only buys, but also processes and analyzes with the help of its own laboratory, they will receive the best possible conditions. The success lies not only in avoiding brokers, but also in the healthy business relations that we place on. Both our Contractors from cassation and we are satisfied with cooperation. Can you want more in running a business? 🙂


Artykuł Healthy business relationships in the practice of receiving catalysts pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.
