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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Każda ze stacji demontażowej, po dokonaniu rozbiórki pojazdów, uzyskuje z nich zużyte katalizatory, za które bierze odpowiedzialność. Katalizatory te muszą zostać poddane recyklingowi, w wyniku którego odzyskane zostaną metale szlachetne. Dzięki naszej współpracy z Unimetal Recycling – największym recyklerem tej części samochodowej w Polsce, zarówno skup i przerób oraz analiza laboratoryjna odbywają się na miejscu. Jak już się pewnie domyślacie to oszczędność zarówno czasu jak i pieniędzy.

Healthy business relationships in the practice of receiving catalysts

We often remember you about healthy business relations. Today’s day and delivery, which arrived at our headquarters in the morning, shows us in practice how important is the choice of a suitable company to cooperate with.

Each dismantling station, after demolition of vehicles, obtains used catalysts for which it takes responsibility. These catalysts must be recycled as a result of which precious metals will be recovered. Thanks to our cooperation with Unimetal Recycling – the largest recycler of this car part in Poland, both purchase and processing as well as laboratory analysis take place on site. As you probably already guessed, it saves both time and money.

Today in the morning we received a large part of catalysts from one of the major dismantling stations. The delivery weight is approximately 8,000 kg.

This delivery has already been agreed 10 days ago. The catalysts came to us properly marked with the help of stickers with numbers, which simplified the preparation of documentation.

Our role s in converting catalysts and analyzing the content ofnow lie noble elements in the supplied devices. They will be dismantled by means of hydraulic shears, then the monolith recovered from them will go to ball mills where the material will be thoroughly ground.

In the meantime, our Contractors receive an advance payment from us. On the other hand, the monolith goes to the laboratory in which we analyze using the ICP MS spectrometer. This indicates precisely the amount of platinum, palladium and rhodium. The final price is obtained on the basis of the results of the analysis, as well as the current metal prices on the global stock exchange (kitco). However, we anticipate that today the party will be worth around PLN 400,000 – PLN 600,000. You must wait a bit longer for the final quote as you can see.

Such quantities of Dodaj formularz used parts bring the best and largest dismantling stations. With such large supplies, they must choose the best recipients who will take care of their recycling and offer the best prices. The more catalysts, the more important is the selection of a proven purchase and recycler.

Why? Imagine that on each of the catalysts they would get even a few zlotys a smaller rate and multiply it by the amount of catalysts you see in the pictures below. The difference in the final amount would therefore be colossal.

That is why we meet every day with such dependence: the best are always looking for the best.

That is why our contractors paid off to come to us. Because they are aware that only in such a large and developed company that not only buys, but also processes and analyzes with the help of its own laboratory, they will receive the best possible conditions. The success lies not only in avoiding brokers, but also in the healthy business relations that we place on. Both our Contractors from cassation and we are satisfied with cooperation. Can you want more in running a business? 🙂