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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

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Province Małopolskie



We posted the article on Wednesday  – TOP 10 most popular catalytic converters from gasoline cars...

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Katalizatory samochodowe to kluczowy element układu wydechowego, który odpowiada za redukcję emisji szkodliwych substancji do atmosfery...

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Summary of 2024 in DS AUTO

We cordially invite you to the summary of 2024 in DS AUTO. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to look back on the past year, sum up our achievements and draw conclusions for the future...

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Katalizatory są kluczowym elementem układu wydechowego, odpowiadającym za redukcję emisji szkodliwych substancji, takich jak tlenki azotu, węglowodory i tlenek węgla...

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  • Catalysts contain precious precious metals – platinum, palladium and rhodium. Its value depends on their quantity in the interior.

    Depending on the brand, year or model in which the catalyst was installed, the content of the above elements varies greatly. Even two catalysts with identical external appearance can differ in their quantity and hence prices.

    A reliable valuation can only be obtained based on reliable data – i.e. a precise result of measuring the content of precious elements in the material supplied.

    Thanks to the fact that we have a laboratory equipped with the latest generation of Olympus hand-held spectrometers and a reliable, stationary ICP MS, we are able to accurately determine the value mentioned above and calculate the attractive price of each model.

    Our partner points use this knowledge. It is worth choosing one of them.
    To find out the specific value of a used model, it is necessary to enter its full number in the price list search engine.
    See also: Why are catalysts so valuable?