Why do we get used catalysts in DS Auto?
The reason why our company acquires used catalysts are valuable precious metals such as Platinum, Palladium and Rod. Although only a few grams of this raw material can be obtained from one catalyst, taking into account the wholesale quantities of catalysts we buy monthly, the amount of precious metals recovered by this method is really impressive!
The largest on the domestic market
It is worth noting that there are only a few companies in Europe that specialize in converting catalysts. Why? This activity is extremely expensive. The very process of valuation of the wholesale quantity of catalysts requires specialist knowledge of our staff, necessary equipment, laboratory, appropriate processing plant and required permits. In addition, the purchase of catalysts requires very high financial expenses. Experiments with the recovery of precious metals from catalysts at home are therefore impossible.
The network of partners is indispensable
As the largest catalyst processing plant in Poland, we cooperate with many companies involved in the purchase of catalysts. We currently have as many as 71 Partners in Poland and numerous Partners in 17 European countries.
Smaller acquisitions operate at the regional level. They buy a dozen or so pieces of catalysts once. Foreign Partners operate in a similar way. Their common feature is that the collected catalysts are transferred to one or two large recipients, and they transmit them to us.
At the very bottom of the chain, there are those who, along with iron, non-ferrous metals and lead, are happy to buy catalysts – well below the market price. We warn you about cooperation with such purchases. It is completely unprofitable, and often illegal.
Price fluctuations are a normal phenomenon
Serious contractors such as DS Auto – thanks to their contacts – keep up to date with the prices of precious metals on the global market, as well as the prices of processors, so that they can offer their clients the best possible offer. Let’s also remember about periodic changes in catalyst prices caused by the fact that sometimes processing plants prefer a specific precious metal, depending on current conditions, demand, etc.
We identify all catalysts accurately. There may be differences within a given type, catalyst, because for some reasons they are manufactured in more than one form according to the market they are supposed to hit. That’s why the catalyst cover is important here and helps us identify different labels, codes and serial numbers.
If we do not have a given catalyst in our database, we use special devices – spectrometers that we use to estimate the real content of precious metals and analyze the composition of catalysts after sampling .. The spectrometers we use are referred to as the best on the market and impress with their accuracy.
For comparison – ordinary spectrometers often used for sample analysis, allow the detection of a sugar cube in a bucket of water. The spectrometers that we use are able to detect a cube of sugar thrown into the sea.
You can follow the current prices of catalysts from our database on our website:
We also invite you to arrange a specific date of delivery of catalysts to our headquarters!