skup ceramiki z katalizatorów – Katalizatory Chrzanów Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:57:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to earn the most on a monolith? Fri, 12 Apr 2019 12:33:35 +0000 Bardzo często nasi Kontrahenci podczas dostawy monolitu zadają nam jedno ważne pytanie. W jaki sposób nam go dostarczyć? Cały materiał spakować razem? A może należy dokonać podziału ze względu na jego pochodzenie? Dziś postaramy się rozwiać Wasze wątpliwości i wyjaśnić, która z metod jest bardziej korzystna.

Artykuł How to earn the most on a monolith? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

Very often our contractors ask us one important question during the delivery of the monolith. How can we provide it? The whole material pack together? Or maybe it should be divided because of its origin? Today, we will try to dispel your doubts and explain which method is more beneficial.

Quite often, we encounter a situation in which we accept delivery of a monolith from new contractors and it is separated due to where it was cut from. We get then: separately monolith from gasoline vehicles, separately from diesel engine and from DPF filters. When we ask where the idea comes from, it turns out that the clients cooperating with other buyers earlier, received instructions to divide and deliver the material in separate parts. That is why they got used to this method and the belief that this is the only right solution.

It turns out, however, that this is not the best and most profitable idea. We are in a hurry to explain.

Packing the entire monolith together is a much simpler and more economical solution. It is not only saving time, work, but also money.

If you provide us with a monolith in one batch, we make it one-time, mark it, weigh it, thoroughly ground and analyze. When the monolith is separated, the same operations are performed in several approaches, which makes the time of obtaining the final information unnecessarily longer. It is therefore associated with higher work expenses, and thus – higher costs. Consequently – you receive less money compared to the same material, included in one whole.

So where did the idea for separating the monolith come from?

This method is used by purchase stores that do not have adequate equipment to allow efficient analysis of such a diversified material. In order to determine the content of precious metals in a mixed monolith, it is necessary to use high-class devices, such as weight and moisture analyzer (a device allowing simultaneous determination of moisture content and sample weight), and above all professional spectrometers. Relevant are also suitable ball mills and homing devices which will lead the monolith to homogenised form. Here the rule is simple – the more finely ground monolith, the greater the precision of the measurement and the more you gain from the transaction.

Weight in the DS AUTO laboratory
Moisture analyzer that measures the moisture content of the material
Urządzenie do domielania monolitu
Monolith dressing device
Monolith dressing device


How much to bring to buying?

The delivery of a larger batch of monolith is definitely more profitable. The bigger, the more favorable you go out. Of course, as we have already mentioned, we start with a 100-pound monolith delivery at our headquarters. It is much more profitable, however, to “pick up” and deliver a batch weighing over 300 kg. With such a large amount we make so-called “Double check” or double check of the result. In addition to XRF analysis, we also carry out chemical analysis with the help of an advanced ICP MS device, which is considered more accurate. And at the same time we have confirmation of the result by obtaining it from two independent devices.

Spektrometr XRF marki Olympus
XRF spectrometer by Olympus
Spektrometr ICP MS
ICP MS spectrometer

And what about precious metal courses?

Many of our customers decide to bring us the minimum possible amount of monolith, because precious metal rates are beneficial at the moment. They do not want to wait with more delivery, for fear of a possible fall in quotations. However, we are able to provide companies with whom we cooperate with a sense of security and “set up” exchange rates on the day of valuation for a period of 30 days. Thanks to this, they can easily wait and appear in our company with a larger party, which is certainly more profitable.

How do you choose the best monolith purchase?

As you can see, paradoxically, not only the content of precious metals in the supplied monolith determines how much you will earn from selling it. It is also very important to choose the appropriate collection point, which is the point that:

  • it has new high-class equipment – it is worth paying attention to whether the purchase uses high-quality scales, moisture meters, ball mills, mixing devices, and spectrometers that have been authorized by the National Atomic Energy Agency;
  • has qualified and experienced staff, and there is no employee rotation in the company. Then you can be sure that the equipment supports non-random people who know the whole process perfectly;
  • explains in a clear and accessible way how the analysis and valuation process proceeds. Everything takes place in an open manner and the client has the right to be present at every stage;
  • gives a price guarantee – regardless of fluctuations in the quotations, you have the opportunity to “fix” the course for a period of 30 days;
  • performs the appraisal, preparing the monolith for analysis and the very analysis on the spot, without intermediaries – it also saves time and money;

DS AUTO guarantees all the above benefits and we can also offer our own transport. The one-time delivery is up to 24 tons.

How to sell a monolith?

Make an appointment and free monolith quote – over 100 kg

Tel. +48 604 611 917

In the case of a smaller amount, contact one of the retail stores.

Artykuł How to earn the most on a monolith? pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.
