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Każda firma wytwarza odpady, które musi przekazywać upoważnionym do ich odbioru instytucjom. Warto wiedzieć, kto ma prawo do zbierania i przetwarzania odpadów oraz jakie zezwolenia należy uzyskać, aby móc gospodarować odpadami.

Waste collection and processing

Each company produces waste, which must be handed over to institutions authorized to receive it. It is good to know who has the right to collect and process waste and what permits should be obtained in order to be able to manage waste.

As defined in the Act of 14 December 2012, waste is any substance or object that the holder discards or intends to discard or is required to discard. Wastes are classified taking into account the source of their formation, properties and individual components affecting the fact that they become hazardous waste. Everyone who collects and processes waste must obtain the necessary permit. This is the theory.


What is waste collection really? This is gathering them before transport, sorting and temporary storage, that is all the activities that are carried out before they can be processed.

In contrast, temporary storage of waste can take many forms. The first is the initial storage by their manufacturer, the second – temporary storage by the company conducting waste collection, the third – storage by the operator who processes them. Everyone can keep waste for a year if they are transferred to a landfill or up to 3 years in other situations.


It seems clearer to explain what waste treatment is. The processing consists of both recovery and disposal. Recovery means here the process by which waste will become useful again. This usually includes the repair, cleaning or checking of the products concerned.


It is already known that in order to collect or process waste, a permit must be obtained. The permit may be issued by the regional director of environmental protection – if it concerns enclosed areas, marshal of the province or staroste. This document is received only after the inspection by the voivodeship inspector of environmental protection with the participation of a representative of the competent control authority. Any company that manufactures waste may commission management only to entities having the appropriate license or concession, or to enter the BDO register, unless this activity does not require it.


The issue of waste management in the form of used catalysts looks the same – in order to be able to process, collect, store, and even transport, you must have appropriate permits, which we have already written on the blog. It is important to use the services of professional companies in any waste-related matter.