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Jeśli prowadzicie stację demontażu pojazdów i wytwarzacie odpady, to koniecznie zerknijcie do artykułu. Czy wytwarzający odpady musi posiadać zezwolenie na ich transport do punktu, który je zagospodaruje ? a co z podmiotami, które prócz wytwarzania jeszcze zbierają czyli np. skupują pojedyncze części samochodowe ? Zapraszamy !

Waste generation and transportation permit – is it required?

If you run a vehicle dismantling station, the information contained in this article may prove to be extremely useful for you.

Very often we meet with the conviction of station owners with whom we start cooperation, that in order to transport waste that they created during the demolition of vehicles, they must have appropriate authorization for such transport. They often use the services of transport companies for this purpose and unnecessarily pay for the transport of such waste (number 160801 and 160803) to the entity that will manage the waste in an appropriate manner.

Nothing could be more wrong. Relying on Article 51 para. 2 points 4 of the Waste Act, they are not subject to entry into the transport register of waste generated by them.

So if you run a vehicle dismantling station and as a result of the process of dismantling the vehicle you have recovered the waste, then you do not have to have an entry in department VII of the BDO register, which is a transport permit.

Remember that if, however, you collect waste – that is, you buy individual car parts that are in the light of the law waste, then you are required to have an entry in Chapter VII of the BDO register.

It is therefore worth having it to fully develop its dismantling station and to accept, apart from entire vehicles, also individual parts removed by car owners. Obtaining such an entry does not last long (usually about a week) and is completely free. All you have to do is complete the relevant application or update your BDO entry.

Also, remember to sign a contract only with professional waste recipients who will guarantee you fair and attractive settlement conditions.

We invite you in the “Healthy Business Relations” program to all vehicle dismantling stations and cassation for cooperation in the field of professional catalyst collection – we also offer you our own transport.

You can find our entry in the BDO here.