transport odpadów z zagranicy – Katalizatory Chrzanów Fri, 25 Oct 2024 11:28:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! Tue, 05 Mar 2019 11:33:00 +0000 Wraz z Unimetal Recycling , największym recyklerem katalizatorów samochodowych w kraju, wypracowujemy sobie coraz silniejszą pozycję na rynku europejskim. Wszystko dzięki nieustannemu wychodzeniu naprzeciw potrzebom rynku. W związku z coraz większą ilością skupów z Europy zachodniej, które nawiązują z nami współpracę, postanowiliśmy udostępnić im kolejny środek transportu, który będzie odbierać największe dostawy katalizatorów.

Artykuł The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.

As you know, we are constantly expanding our horizons. Development is what mobilizes us every day and drives us to act.

Together with Unimetal Recycling, the largest recycler of car catalysts in the country, we are gaining an ever stronger position on the European market. All thanks to constantly meeting the needs of the market.

One of the most important sentences that have been guiding us for years is that of Henry Ford, who believed that “Companies that grow thanks to development and improvements will not die, but when a company ceases to be creative when it thinks it has achieved perfection and now it only has to be to produce – after it.

All improvements are always developed for our contractors. This is also this time. We have heard many times that some companies are afraid of establishing cooperation with recipients of other countries due to the lack of their own transport, which they could provide with waste. In connection with the increasing number of purchases from Western Europe, which establish cooperation with us, we decided to provide them with another means of transport that will receive the largest supplies of catalysts.

Thanks to the transport that you offer, you are able to deliver to us a batch of catalysts weighing up to 24 tons!

We transport waste with codes 16 08 01 and 16 08 03. These are waste from group B 1130 according to the Basel Convention. Thanks to this lack of own transport does not constitute any barrier to fruitful cooperation.

We are extremely pleased with your trust and we know that we have fully earned it and built our position by providing services at the highest level. Our mission is to create the image of a Polish company all over the world, as a company with potential that is able to achieve every goal set with perseverance and a reliable approach to clients.

What Western European companies often use when choosing DS Auto and Unimetal for cooperation is their own laboratory. Laboratory in which only people with specialized chemical education work.

It is equipped with the best possible spectrometers for measuring the content of precious metals in catalysts. We use here valued in the ICP MS environment and Olympus brand devices. Using precise methods of measurement by people with appropriate knowledge and experience, gives our clients the certainty that they receive real results of measuring the content of platinum, palladium or rhodium in the delivered lot, and thus the amount they receive is fair.

Thanks to the fact that we have our own laboratory and machinery park, you avoid the participation of intermediaries in the whole cooperation. Our offer is comprehensive, and this makes us get the highest possible price for the goods.

How to establish permanent cooperation?

Contact us and delivery contracts – only wholesale quantities (over 100 items)

Phone number : +48 604 611 917


Artykuł The transport of catalysts is not a problem for us! pochodzi z serwisu Katalizatory Chrzanów.
