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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Na naszej stronie internetowej możecie spotkać się z informacją, że prócz katalizatorów z wkładem metalowym i ceramicznym, skupujemy także sam monolit ceramiczny. Dziś chcemy przybliżyć Wam nieco czym on jest, jaką spełnia funkcję w katalizatorze samochodowym, z czego się składa i dlaczego jest dla nas tak cenny.

Ceramic monolith – what is it?

On our website you can find information that in addition to catalysts with a metal and ceramic insert, we also buy ceramic monolith itself. Today, we want to bring you a bit of what a monolith is, what it performs in a car catalyst, what it is made of and why it is so valuable to us.

What is a ceramic monolith?


Let’s start with the fact that the catalysts in their structure are divided into those with a metal insert and a ceramic insert, from which we obtain the mentioned monolith. The latter are among the most popular on the market.

The ceramic monolith is in the simplest way a block of material that fits in the housing of our catalyst. It is the heart of this device. It is extremely valuable due to the fact that it contains in its structure resembling a honeycomb, valuable precious metals such as platinum, palladium or rhodium. On the market we can meet monoliths consisting of one dominant precious metal or mixed versions. It would seem that the valuation of a monolith of unknown origin, without housing with numbers is not possible. Professional purchases such as ours, however, are able to make a precise analysis of the composition of the monolith and, consequently, a fair valuation, thanks to the use of appropriate technology.

How do we make a valuation of a ceramic monolith?

We buy ceramic monoliths in whole, in powder as well as in pieces. We mark, weigh, and route the received part to the appropriate machine. The ceramic monolith in pieces first goes to the ball mill for thorough grinding to form a homogeneous powder with granulation below 0.1 mm. In this form, he is prepared for further research.


After grinding, we take three representative samples.

The ceramic monolith, which we received in the form of a powder, is immediately directed to the mixer for homogenization. This action allows you to take a sample for further testing.

In both cases, the samples go to our laboratory, where they are tested on the highest quality spectrometers. Their task is to precisely determine the content of individual precious metals in the sample.

In our daily work, we use two highly-valued spectrometers – XRF from Olympus, as well as the most modern ICP MS on the market.


We transfer the results we use to the calculation program, which takes into account the current rates of precious metals and exchange rates on the global stock exchange. Thanks to the whole process described here, the Contractor receives precise information about the value of the goods.

After testing and valuation, we always issue a sample of the material delivered in a labeled measuring cup.


What to remember when selling a monolith?

When choosing the purchase in which we want to sell the monolith, remember to make the decision carefully. Let’s check first:

  • What facilities does the procurement have, is it equipped with the appropriate equipment to grind and homogenize the sample?
  • Does it have its own laboratory to analyze the composition?
  • Does it have a suitably qualified staff of laboratory technicians?
  • With what spectrometers does it perform tests? Are these the latest class spectrometers that will perform a thorough analysis and give the actual result?
  • Are the rules guiding the analysis and valuation process clearly and transparently defined?
  • What opinions does the company have to carry out material analysis?

It is worth answering these questions before starting a permanent cooperation. A good selection of the recipient in the case of selling a monolith is a guarantee of success, development of your company and high profits.

If you have a ceramic monolith or other material that may contain noble metals in your structure, be sure to report to us and we will express it and evaluate it for free and express it.

We invite you to cooperation.

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