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Purchase wholesale: Dariusz Seremak

Skupy katalizatorów z roku na rok cieszą się coraz większa popularnością. Dlaczego? Ponieważ katalizatory coraz częściej ulegają uszkodzeniom bądź zużywają się przez co wymagają wymiany. Rośnie również liczba świadomych użytkowników pojazdów, którzy wiedzą że nie nadający się do użytkowania w pojeździe katalizator ma nadal swoja wartość, która w wielu przypadkach jest całkiem spora, a co za tym idzie jego sprzedaż może w znaczący sposób pozwoli na obniżenie kosztów rozwiązania problemu z niesprawnym katalizatorem. Niestety na rynku funkcjonuje sporo firm specjalizujących się w skupie katalizatorów w których jakość obsługi pozostawia wiele do życzenia.

How does a professional company price catalysts?

The catalysts’ purchases from year to year are becoming more and more popular. Why? Because catalysts are more and more damaged or worn out, which requires replacement. There is also a growing number of conscious users of vehicles who know that the catalyst that is not usable in the vehicle still has its value, which in many cases is quite large, and thus its sales may significantly reduce the cost of solving the problem with the inefficient catalyst. Unfortunately, there are quite a few companies specializing in buying catalysts in which the quality of service leaves much to be desired.


We will start looking for a professional company dealing in buying catalysts by checking whether the company has all the necessary permits and certificates. The next step is to get to know the exact catalyst valuation mechanism. An example of a company that pricing catalysts in a professional way is DS AUTO Sp. z o.o. Chrzanów –, which for many years has been the leader in the purchase of catalysts. The biggest plus is the guarantee of a fixed price (the price on the day of the quote is the same as on the day of sale) and the possible online valuation, which significantly speeds up the transactions. Interestingly, in many cases, the price is even 40% higher than for other purchases. Why? Because the largest business partner is the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In addition, DS Auto Sp. Z o.o. Chrzanów has the highest quality spectrometer with the current permission issued by the National Atomic Energy Agency, so we can be sure that we have not been deceived. Another thing to pay attention to is the readability of the website on which we have access to the current prices of catalysts without much difficulty. Unfortunately, in most cases, companies update the information contained on the website relatively rarely.


In the case of a professional company dealing in the purchase of catalysts, the employee should ask whether the sale will take place on the basis of a sales contract or a VAT invoice. In the case of DS AUTO Sp. z o.o. Chrzanów up to the amount of PLN 15,000, we can decide to pay cash on the spot. If this amount is exceeded, we will receive a payment in the form of a transfer to the account provided by us, and we will receive instant confirmation of the transfer. What’s more, the employee will help you complete the necessary documents. If you decide to settle on invoice basis, the purchasing tax provides free delivery of the catalyst for purchase. If the cooperation is not one-time, we can count on special bonuses.