Wskaż posiadaną ilość:
Skup hurtowy: Dariusz Seremak
Province Lubuskie


  • Stationary service point: NIE
  • Purchase of catalysts: YES
  • Purchase of batteries: YES
  • Access to the customer: TAK
  • Analiza XRF Spektrometr: TAK
  • Quote by numbers: TAK
  • Purchase of monolith and DPF filters: TAK
  • Obsługa auto-kasacji: YES
  • Prowadzenie auto-kasacji: NIE


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Warto tu sprzedać katy :)

Bardzo nam miło, polecamy się na przyszłość.


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Cieszymy się, że jest Pani zadowolona z ceny :) Zapraszamy


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Strona 1 z 2:


In den letzten Monaten haben wir ein verstärktes Interesse am Thema Katalysatorersatz festgestellt...

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Katalizator o numerze C548/208023438R/112760709000 cechuje owalna, środkowa część obudowy wraz z przeciwlegle ułożonymi do niej wylotami...

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Działając zgodnie z wymaganiami określonymi w Art. 32c pkt...

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1. 1743281/2987307003/R96/ICP BMW E36 COMPACT 316i 318i benzyna, silnik 1...

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  • Catalysts contain precious precious metals – platinum, palladium and rhodium. Its value depends on their quantity in the interior.

    Depending on the brand, year or model in which the catalyst was installed, the content of the above elements varies greatly. Even two catalysts with identical external appearance can differ in their quantity and hence prices.

    A reliable valuation can only be obtained based on reliable data – i.e. a precise result of measuring the content of precious elements in the material supplied.

    Thanks to the fact that we have a laboratory equipped with the latest generation of Olympus hand-held spectrometers and a reliable, stationary ICP MS, we are able to accurately determine the value mentioned above and calculate the attractive price of each model.

    Our partner points use this knowledge. It is worth choosing one of them.
    To find out the specific value of a used model, it is necessary to enter its full number in the price list search engine.